This bunny apologizes, but between the stress of being online due to anxiety and offline, Usagi has not been taking care of himself. So much so that friends are starting to worry about him. Uh...this bunny is trying to be more transparent, but long story short, the recent hurricane has left him he has been really struggling to deal with online life when offline life is pretty difficult. As a therapist, this bunny is always carrying a lot of other people's grief at this time is kind of piling on. v.v
This bunny is going to take a week (perhaps more) hiatus along with Kan-chan (Kanon) who is being very supportive of Usagi despite his anxiety getting the best of him in these small bouts. This bunny promises he will be back in order to continue threads that he was in or perhaps even start some new ones. Just, at the moment, it is not the best until he takes a moment and think about his situation and just how it is affecting his own Mental Health.
Take care of yourself Usagi. As much as I, and I'm sure all of us, have loved threading with you, self care is the top priority. Do what you have to do. Hopefully that week is enough for you to regroup. And if it takes longer, we'll still be here till you get back. Good luck out there.
This bunny knows it has been a week, but we are tacking a few days onto this. Will be driving back home soon, reopening my Private Practice, and also discussing about a new apartment. There's a lot this bunny has to do, so will most likely project to be back by Tuesday. In the meantime, this bunny will make a check list of things needed to be done so I can get back into the swing of things when settled back in.