Non-Shinobi Option 1. Begin with one apprentice proficiency and two rookie. Option 2. Begin with one journeyman level proficiency and one rookie.
Genin Option 1. Begin with taijutsu, shurikenjutsu*, stealth, and two additional proficiencies. One proficiency at apprentice level and the others at rookie. Option 2. Begin with taijutsu, shurikenjutsu*, stealth, and one additional proficiency. Two at apprentice level and two at rookie.
Chunin (Requires a Rank Claim) Option 1. Begin with taijutsu, shurikenjutsu*, stealth, and two additional proficiencies. One proficiency at journeyman level and the others at apprentice. Option 2. Begin with taijutsu, shurikenjutsu*, stealth, and one additional proficiency. Two at journeyman level and two at apprentice.
Jounin (Requires a Rank Claim) Option 1. Begin with taijutsu, shurikenjutsu*, stealth, and two additional proficiencies. One proficiency at veteran level and the others at journeyman. Option 2. Begin with taijutsu, shurikenjutsu*, stealth, and one additional proficiency. Two at veteran level and two at journeyman.
*You may substitute shurikenjutsu with another form of bukijutsu if desired.
The long and short of this overhaul is to make sure each character gets a "high" skill for their rank. No more 5 rookies. Wanderer 1 was left alone as it already has a niche as a great pick for advanced release. Wanderer 2 was buffed a little. We'll make sure everyone is fairly adjusted if we go with this. Vote to let us know if you would find this favorable to the current start.
Due to a high level of support for the change, this has been pushed through. Please use the Upgrade Station to submit your adjustments. See below for how your character should be adjusted.
Shinobi Began with 5 Slots: Increase the rank of one proficiency.
Began with 4 Slots: Add a proficiency slot. This can be used to add a kekkei genkai or advanced release if desired. OR upgrade a slot that was of the level listed below up to the next level. Genin: rookie. Chunin: apprentice. Jounin: journeyman.
Began with 3 Slots: Add a proficiency slot. This can be used to add a heritage or advanced release if desired. Genin: rookie. Chunin: apprentice. Jounin: Journeyman.
Wanderer Began with 3 slots: No change needed. Began with 1 slot: Add a rookie slot. This can be used to add a heritage or advanced release if desired.
-If you would rather change characters proficiencies entirely because of the change, please contact me.